Friday, October 24, 2014

Urban SHTF - Using Center Axis Relock

If any of you reading this, have ever played Splinter Cell: Conviction, or any Splinter Cell game after Conviction, you probably wondered what shooting style is being used. Well its called Center Axis Relock. 

Unlike the standard Weaver or Isosceles stances, Center Axis Relock or CAR is not a stance, its an entire system. Developed by Paul Castle, the CAR systems intended use was for LEO and military personnel. It was developed for close quarters battle shooting environments. Examples like coming around corners, low stances, shooting from a sitting position and many other problems are solved with the CAR system. 

I have done a little studying on this system, and the conclusion is I LOVE IT! Now mind you, I have never used it in a real world application, but it seems that it would greatly serve its intended purpose. 

First off, I have never been instructed in the CAR system, but I plan to at some point.

Now, one thing I notice about the CAR system, with pistol shooting, the gun is kept at a 45 degree angle. In videos on Youtube, some people hold the gun at 90. I can understand 45 but not 90. With the hands griped on the weapon in the fashion that they are, the elbow in the front is used for defense and retention. After practicing a little bit, at 45 degrees the front elbow is comfortable and able to be used in a defensive fashion. At 90 degrees, this doesn't seem nearly as possible. I guess someone who is trained in the system would be better able to explain it.

When it comes to rifles and compact/sub machine weapons, I can see how the CAR system can be used efficiently. It actually looks pretty badass when used properly.

Here is an example of how the CAR System can be used if you are in your vehicle:

One thing of many that I really like about this shooting system, is how versatile it is. Having practiced, it is very easy to switch from one position to another. What I mean by this is being able to go from Weaver to CAR to Isosceles to Weaver and back to CAR. One thing to keep in mind, the CAR System is for short distances. This is where its versatility comes into use. Like the video above, 4 targets, 1 driver side, passenger side, and 2 on the rear. Using a pistol, CAR System for the driver side target, Weaver for the one on the passenger side and CAR again for the 2 in the rear. 

This is how I would do it anyways. Everyone is different. I would switch from CAR to Weaver when moving to the 2nd target, for the fact that you don't have to switch which hand is on the trigger. Just position your body towards the passenger side target and fire away. From here you can switch to the left handed CAR pistol hand position, and eliminate the last 2 targets from behind by firing over your shoulder.

This is a small example of how efficient the CAR System can be.

Urban Survival Planning – Reconnaissance and Security Patrols

Urban Survival Planning – Reconnaissance and Security Patrols

So here is a cool article that I found through Prepper Central:

It just talks about security teams and recon teams in post SHTF. What the difference is and the who, what, where and whens to use them. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Follow me on Pinterest

Follow DNinja's board Prepping/Survival on Pinterest.

Truck Home: Turn Oil Tanker Trucks to Slick Trailer Homes

Truck Home: Turn Oil Tanker Trucks to Slick Trailer Homes

Here is another very awesome idea if you happen to come across an oil tanker truck.

Rules of Engagement When Chaos Rules the City - Preparing for shtf

Rules of Engagement When Chaos Rules the City - Preparing for shtf

Here is a great post about engaging an enemy in an urban environment SHTF.

The Gray Man

The Gray Man
The Gray Man concept is the idea of staying off other people's radars. Pretty much going unnoticed when other people are around. This concept is key because in a SHTF situation, you will have people, that if you catch their attention, will come and take your gear and most likely your life.

Now the Gray Man idea is sort of a sensitive subject. People online argue about different aspects of it. Like what you should wear, how to behave, what not to carry etc. 

In my opinion, I feel that certain colors should be worn. Black, brown, gray, dark green, OD green, tan, coyote. Flat, dry colors I feel are the best because it blends in with the surroundings. Also if you think about it, the human eye is attracted to a few different things. Shiny objects, movement, and bright colors. I feel that a good Gray Man would be avoiding the first and the last. 

I read online somewhere a long time ago, that if you choose to go unnoticed, you should wear dark colors. I have tried this and it works pretty well. For example, when going out to a night club, single men who are looking for women or just attention, when wearing brighter colors, will attract that attention. Women also do the same thing. People in situations like a night club, show off everything they have to offer. Low cut shirts, men wearing button up shirts and leaving the top open etc. 

Being the gray man is the complete opposite. You do not want to show off what you have. If others don't know what you have, then they cannot want it.

Another idea, is that you should probably do the same thing that others are doing in the area. So lets say that you are trying to move through a part of the city. You see a group of 2-3 people scavenging for items. You should be scavenging too. Use this to move through the area. Do not let your guard down though.

Eye contact. Making eye contact with certain individuals can initiate suspicion. Avoid this whenever possible. 

If at some point you are engaged in conversation with another person in SHTF, try to relate to them. Don't sympathize but just relate. This will make them feel like you have an understanding and they will feel that they can trust you. Think social engineering. You can almost always talk yourself out of a sticky situation.

There is much more for me to add to this post so I will be doing so at a later time.

Here is a good video on The Gray Man.

Urbanocalypse Gear

Starting out, prepping for an apocalyptic scenario can be EXTREMELY overwhelming. I feel overwhelmed all the time when looking at things on the internet. Looking at other peoples bug out bags, EDC (Every Day Carry) kits, 72 hour bags, underground bunkers and so on. 

So a little advice. Buy a small cheap kit, do some research and build it from there. I guarantee this is the absolute best way to start. 

For clarification; EDC or also known as Every Day Carry. This will be a few set of items that you will carry with you every day. These items may consist of things like: folding pocket knife, multitool, paracord, mini bic lighter, safety pins, lockpick set, water bottle, hand sanitizer, deodorant, pens, permanent marker, notepad, flashlight, napkins, and a pocket survival kit. 

Now you might be thinking why I carry a pocket survival kit in my EDC. I figure since it has items I still may very well need in a survival situation, why not take it if it fits? 

Obviously, I have a bag that I carry all these items with me in. Yes I take it to work and yes I take it everywhere else I go. NO I am not joking. My girlfriend thinks I'm crazy, but that's what its for right? You never know what is going to happen and when it might happen.

Another name for this kit you might see is GHB or get home bag. 

A Bugout Bag on the other hand, is for just that, bugging out. In other words, when SHTF and you need to leave to safer ground, this bag has all the proper essentials to get you there. 

The following is a vague list of items that you MAY need in your Bugout Bag or BOB:
Water bottle
duct tape
fishing supplies
firestarter supplies
water purification supplies
sleeping bag
bed roll
sharpening stone
Climbing rope
Sleeping bag
Bed roll
Paracord 100ft.
knife (fixed blade)
cooking supplies
-mini stove
-mess kit
Fishing gear
-fishing line
Firestarting gear
-stormproof matches
-bic lighter
-fire striker/blast match
-petroleum cotton balls
Water purification
-life straw
-water purification tabs
-MMS (miracle mineral solution)
Permanant marker

Gas Mask

Now mind you this is just a VERY basic list of the items you can put into your own BOB. All the items on this list will vary greatly depending on your location, route and many other factors. Just remember this when building your BOB, your very life may depend on EVERY item inside this bag. So make sure that EVERYTHING inside it has a use. I cannot stress this enough. All the time I see contents of peoples BOB's posted online. I always wonder why they have the things they do. In this case, its always good to just ask. They may see a need for an item that you never thought of.

Once you get your BOB all set up, go out and take a day hike with it. Go out and take a week long hike with it or just even 3 days. If you have items that you didn't use, reconsider them. There is no need for extra weight.

A good way to get started on a BOB is to give yourself a budget, say maybe $200-$300. Buy a bag, doesn't really matter what kind, but I suggest a military type bag. Here is what I use for my current BOB. I suggest staying away from the camouflage gear. I say this only because in my opinion, it will draw unwanted attention to you. Most people see camouflage and they think military or militia. You can still have good, military grade gear and not the military look. Also, not all military gear is the best gear. There are some very good hiking bags that people use. Just stay away from the bright colors like blue, orange, yellow, red, etc.

The very next thing on your list should be a good knife. They say that's all you really need to survive is a good knife and the skills to use it. Personally I own a 6 inch, combat K-bar and I love it!

After you get the bag and knife, just go through your list and go to and start adding to the wishlist. If you are tight on money like me, and happen to go over budget, just save and wait. You will get it eventually.

You can buy Bugout bags premade online. They can cost you anywhere from $60 in excess of $1,000. I personally do not suggest doing this. The cheap ones have crappy gear and the expensive ones are just that, expensive. Just do what works for you.

Tracking/Counter tracking in Urban Areas

In this post, I am going to cover something that will also become important in an apocalypse situation, tracking and counter tracking. A lot of this I have taken from an army SF field manual on the subject, which I will link at the bottom of this post.

Ok, so imagine for a minute that you are out scavenging for supplies. You find a grocery store that looks promising. So you take some time to scout it out from a far for a good half hour. Everything looks clear, so you enter from a side exit that was left open. About ten minutes later you head out the same way you came in, cautious at the door, peering out to look for signs of anyone that may be following you. You're all in the clear. On your way back to your base however, you come across a smoldering cigarette. Now you're on full alert. 

Now lets think how this could be prevented. First off, don't think that you are the only person scouting out that supply area. Remember, you are not the only person out there. One great way to tell if there is someone in the area, is looking for open doors. If a door is left open automatically assume that someone else is inside and proceed if you dare. 

There are lots of signs that give away people being around. As long as you do not get lazy or complacent, you will not leave these signs for someone else. Things to look for besides open doors are fresh cigarette buts, trash like chip bags, candy wrappers, used cups. Now of course, if all of these items look fresh, the person who consumed them probably isn't too far away. Other signs to look for are: foot prints, tire marks, waste, shell casings, broken gear, used toiletries, soda cans, food wrappers, etc. 

One way to avoid being tracked, DO NOT leave these signs behind for others. If you enter a room and you have time to close the door, close it. So long as it won't give you away. 

This next portion is taken directly from the army SF field manual. I take NO CREDIT for anything stated in the army SF field manual:

1-7. Signs are visible marks left by individuals or animals as they pass through an area. The tracker must know the following categories of signs: 
    -Ground Signs. These are signs left below the knees. All ground signs are further divided as follows: 
    -Large Signs. These are signs caused by the movement of 10 or more individuals through the area. 
    -Small Signs. These are signs caused by the movement of one to nine individuals through the area. 
    -High Signs (also known as top signs). These are signs left above the knees. They are also divided into large and small signs. 
    -Temporary Signs. These signs will eventually fade with time (for example, a footprint). 
    -Permanent Signs. These signs require weeks to fade or will leave a mark forever (for example, broken branches or chipped bark). 

Ok, so lets take a minute and translate this into an urban environment:

Low Signs - Anything from the knees down. This would indicate things like footprints, trash, waste, fresh blood, spent shell casings, etc. So anything that is left directly on the ground. Now blood for example, may be left on other items also, but we will just categorize it here for simplicity sake.

High Signs - Anything from the knees up. This could amount to several indications. Open doors, cloth or cardboard left on barbwire fences, small pieces of torn clothing on metal objects, bullet holes in walls or sides of buildings, windows broken or propped open, etc. 

All of these are good indicators that someone is probably in the same area as you.

This next subject is a great way to start finding some of these indicators, displacement.

Displacement defined as: 
1-9. Displacement occurs when anything is moved from its original position. A good example of displacement is a well-defined footprint in soft, moist ground. The footgear or bare feet of the person who left the print displaced the soil by compression, leaving an indentation in the ground. The tracker can study this sign and determine several important facts. For example, a print left by worn footgear or by bare feet may indicate lack of proper equipment.

Translation, since footprints are going to be WAY harder to track in an urban environment, look for displaced items. Trash bins, trash, tables, chairs, vehicles, etc. 

For example, if it is raining outside and you are tracking a person through a city, it will be difficult to follow them by footprints alone. If you lose them in an alley, look under the dumpster for a sewer cover. If the sewer cover is wet, then that is a good indication that the person moved the dumpster over the top of the sewer lid then closed it. 

Another great indicator are Stains. 

Stains are defined as: 
1-21. A stain occurs when any substance from one organism or article is smeared or deposited on something else. The best example of staining is blood from a profusely bleeding wound. Bloodstains often appear as spatters or drops and are not always on the ground; they also appear smeared on leaves or twigs 
of trees and bushes. The tracker can determine the seriousness of the wound and how far the wounded person can move unassisted. This process may lead the tracker to enemy bodies or indicate where they have been carried. 
1-22. By studying bloodstains, the tracker can determine the wound’s location, as follows: 
  -If the blood seems to be dripping steadily, it probably came from a wound on the trunk. 
  -If the blood appears as if it was slung toward the front, rear, or sides, the wound is probably in the extremity. 
  -Arterial wounds appear to pour blood at regular intervals as if poured from a pitcher. If the 
wound is venous, the blood pours steadily. 
  -A lung wound deposits pink, bubbly, and frothy bloodstains. 
  -A bloodstain from a head wound appears heavy, wet, and slimy. 
  -Abdominal wounds often mix blood with digestive juices so the deposit has an odor and is light in color.

Now, as far as blood is concerned, it is a FANTASTIC way to track someone. I have used this method on a few occasions at my past security jobs. One key thing to remember when tracking by blood stains, the direction of the point of the teardrop splatter, is the direction of flight. Lots of people think it is the opposite. You may not always need to remember this, but it will help you to track in the correct direction.

Another definition of staining
1-25. Staining can also occur when a person drags muddy footgear over grass, stones, and shrubs. Thus, staining and displacement combine to form a movement and direction. Crushed leaves may stain rocky ground that is too hard to show footprints. Roots, stones, and vines may be stained where leaves or berries are crushed by moving feet. 

In an urban environment, this can be easily related to areas like construction sites. If there is dirt that is dug up, movement through the area to another, will stain the pavement with the dirt. This would also be in coordination with different colors of dirt.

Last but not least is Odor:
1-37. The tracker should consider dietary habits, such as-
  -Red meats. 
  -Certain spices (for example, those used in Korea). 
1-38. With the convenience of an Army and Air Force Exchange Service facility while deployed, many Soldiers purchase and use fragrant soaps and body washes. Soaps and body washes cause strong, peculiar odors that are excreted through the sweat glands. These scents will be particularly evident to dog teams, but can be strong enough for a person to detect.

I have also used this method in previous situations. This works particularly well when tracking women. Women usually wear very potent, scent oriented perfumes. This is another great indicator.

Now you may not always have to use these methods to track someone. If there are enough people around, you could just follow them on foot and keep a visible watch on them. If you happen to lose track of them though, now you know how to find them.

The following is the US ARMY SF Tracking/Countertracking guide in PDF form.

Here is also a great video to watch from one of my favorite youtube channels.

I in no way shape or form claim ownership to any of the information provided in the links above.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Base of Operation(s)

Having a base of operation(s) in an apocalyptic scenario, will put you weeks if not months ahead of the rest of people out there trying to survive. 

When it comes to base ops., you want to take some things into consideration. Most factors are based around location. Is my base visible to the public eye? Is my base well protected from the outside? Do I have a secure way to keep others out of my base if they find it? 

There are many other questions to ask. Most of them will be answered in an Urbanocalypse. 

When choosing a base, I suggest picking a place that is in an area that you wouldn't suspect as being a base, if you are just looking at it from passing by. I guess another way to put this, don't make your base obvious. You don't need a military compound with six foot high, cement walls covered in razor wire. 

Something underground would probably be best. If its down in the sewer system, it would be super easy to use a maze of sewer lines to help conceal your base of operations. You would also have several points of entry and exit. It would be easy to block off sewer lines and flood them if your base were to be compromised. So this could be both good for you and disadvantageous. 

Another idea would be to place it somewhere very high up. I'm not talking about mountains or hills, but sky scrapers. If you are emitting any light from within the center of the floor, or a room with no windows, you should be alright. It would be a simple task to take all that office furniture, and toss it down the stairwells and elevator shafts. This would make great blockades and keep most people out. You could also use the air shafts, elevator shafts and even knock holes in the dry wall to move around in stealth in needed. 

Apartment buildings and high rise condos would be good in this sense. Most buildings in large cities, have fire escapes. This would be a good point of entry into your base of operations. One way to do this is you can barricade the first floor, or the floor that is used for entering. Clear any trash cans or large objects from under the fire escape, so that others cannot use it to gain access. If there is a basement, you can use a window for a quick escape if needed.

Another good thing to take into consideration, is using traps. Now granted most traps built in an urban area, would need to be concealed pretty well from the naked eye. But it would be a great way to deter people from trying to raid your base.

There are tons of different ways to avoid detection. Find what works best for you and your base.

Area of Operations

AO otherwise known in the military as an Area of Operation(s). 

In an apocalyptic situation, you are going to need to venture out of your defenses and gather supplies. One thing to remember when doing so, is that other people will be doing the same. 

There will be friendly people out there, probably not very many. There will also be other people that aren't so friendly. People killing each other for the simple supplies needed to survive. There may also be military who's sole order is to kill any survivors.

These very reasons are why I feel that it is important to have a base of operations and an area of operations. 

A base of operations should be hidden away from public view. You don't want anyone finding it and raiding your campsite. This was seen in the Walking Dead TV series. First with the Governors' town and again with the Prison raid episodes. 

You will want to have traps and crawl spaces leading nowhere and other sorts of creative ideas to keep people out of your stronghold. I will cover this subject more in a later post.

Now back to AO. When reconing your AO, you want to pack as light as possible. Some rope, a crow bar, binoculars and of course a weapon. This is the type of situation where you want to employ The Gray Man idea. I will also cover The Gray Man in a later post. 

Your AO should consist of an area that you know. Like your neighborhood or the surrounding city. Pretty much anything within walking distance of your campsite or base of operations.

In larger cities, transportation, public and private, is rampant. In an apocalypse however, this probably will not be the best option. But walking would be. If you happen to come across a bicycle, then you have good luck.

If you can get your hands on a city map of your area, then you are ahead of the rest. On this map you can draw up your AO. Mark points on the map that you come across for tools/supplies etc. When doing this, be sure to mark distances as well. Doing this will give you an idea of how far apart everything is. 

Also, be sure to mark areas of human activity. This should be done when reconing your AO. This way you can find out what places are safe to travel through and what places to stay away from. 

In an urbanocalypse, there will be many blockades. For this reason you should not travel too far from your base of operations, without establishing other base points or safe houses along the way. Another reason for this is because if for some reason you are being tracked by someone or something, you will have a place to hideout. In these other hideouts you can keep other essential supplies like food, water and ammo etc.

In my opinion, these hideout points, in urban areas, should be no more than a few miles from your base of operations. This is because if you have ever walked from your house to work or something similar, you will realize how far you really walked. Also how much time you spent walking. Now take this and factor in, blocked areas or roads/streets, gunfire going off around the corner, or convoys of people just out for a thrill kill. These things will make you 100 times more cautious. 

These are just ideas to take into consideration.

Apocalypse man

Below is a great video on urban survival:

He shows many very valuable skills that would be needed in urban areas.


Apocalypse: An event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale.

Many movies portray similar events, The book of Eli, The Road (great film) Contagion, World War Z and so many more. It does not really matter how it happens, just recognizing the fact that it could happen.

Every time there is a natural disaster, we always see the world media outlets showing people flocking to the nearest grocery stores. We see shopping carts full of water, food and many other supplies needed for one sole purpose, survival.

So why does everyone wait till the very last minute to buy these items? Could be due to lack of space, lack of funds, or just other obligations. Whatever the reason is, it is no excuse not to be ready.

Right now the United States and like every other reach of the world, is facing a very possible Ebola pandemic. This is a case that not even our own government is really prepared for. Individually though, each person can be. With thorough research through the use of the vast internet, we can be prepared for anything.

I am writing these posts to use for reference to be prepared.